Hi there everyone!
It's been quite a long while since I posted on here. I moved last year, and things went a little crazy. Things are starting to look more normal now, but I will be moving again some time in the next 18 months. I am excited! I would love to talk my husband into moving out of state, but I digress....
I have been picking up Pyrex everywhere the last few weeks after quite a dry spell. I have accumalated quite a few doubles, plus a few patterns that I do not collect. I just couldn't leave them behind!
So I decided to do a bit of a destash in my Etsy shop. If you would like to purchase multiple items let me know so I can calculate the best shipping rate possible.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
No Fridgie Left Behind
My mantra is, No fridgie left behind. I mean it when I say it.
My husband and little miss made me go to a flea market one evening. I wasn't seeing a darn thing at a single table. I passed through one, started to continue on my way, but had my inner Pyrex radar go off. I cruised back in, straight to a dusty bin at the back hiding under a table. I pulled every duty thing out and found this Woodland 503.
Now, Woodland is not my thing at all, but "No fridgie left behind," right? I rescued it, cleaned it up, and have already traded it for a piece of Gooseberry I need for my daughter's set.
Then on Sunday we were heading out to an estate sale when we made a detour to a yard sale. Sundays are not usually yard sale days here, so I was intrigued. We live close to the university where there are some older, wealthier houses so again, intrigue. We found the yard sale, a table of goods in a dusty front yard in front of an old bungalow. I told my husband it didn't look like anything good. Then at the same time we both yelled it: "Fridgies!"
What we saw was Butterprint. Again, this was a table in a front yard. No one was out. I jump doug of the truck and pick dup the fridges. I went up to the front door. No doorbell. I knocked on the wrought iron screen door. No response. I saw the inner door was cracked so I yelled "hello" a few times. Still no response. I stood there stupefied. I thought, do I just take them and leave some money? I mean, I was not about to leave without these fridges. I gave another knock, another yell. My husband got out of the truck and started toward the backyard, and as he did so out comes the tenant, who apparently was renting from his uncle.
Well, I got my fridgies. I asked how much. He said, make me an offer. I said, $5. He said okay. Then he asked if I even knew what there were. I said yes. He said, can you tell me? I have no idea. Wow, just wow. I told him all about it and then went to the truck. My little miss had already flipped up half the backseat and laid out a blanket for me.
My husband and little miss made me go to a flea market one evening. I wasn't seeing a darn thing at a single table. I passed through one, started to continue on my way, but had my inner Pyrex radar go off. I cruised back in, straight to a dusty bin at the back hiding under a table. I pulled every duty thing out and found this Woodland 503.
Now, Woodland is not my thing at all, but "No fridgie left behind," right? I rescued it, cleaned it up, and have already traded it for a piece of Gooseberry I need for my daughter's set.
Then on Sunday we were heading out to an estate sale when we made a detour to a yard sale. Sundays are not usually yard sale days here, so I was intrigued. We live close to the university where there are some older, wealthier houses so again, intrigue. We found the yard sale, a table of goods in a dusty front yard in front of an old bungalow. I told my husband it didn't look like anything good. Then at the same time we both yelled it: "Fridgies!"
What we saw was Butterprint. Again, this was a table in a front yard. No one was out. I jump doug of the truck and pick dup the fridges. I went up to the front door. No doorbell. I knocked on the wrought iron screen door. No response. I saw the inner door was cracked so I yelled "hello" a few times. Still no response. I stood there stupefied. I thought, do I just take them and leave some money? I mean, I was not about to leave without these fridges. I gave another knock, another yell. My husband got out of the truck and started toward the backyard, and as he did so out comes the tenant, who apparently was renting from his uncle.
Well, I got my fridgies. I asked how much. He said, make me an offer. I said, $5. He said okay. Then he asked if I even knew what there were. I said yes. He said, can you tell me? I have no idea. Wow, just wow. I told him all about it and then went to the truck. My little miss had already flipped up half the backseat and laid out a blanket for me.
This is some of the filthiest Pyrex I have purchased. My husband was talking with the proprietor and he said he pulled them out of a shed in the backyard. They had apparently been there for somewhere around fifty years. That is amazing for this part of the country. His uncle had realized he needed to clean out and was starting to sell stuff. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be back.
Here's what they looked like prior to a hot water bath. They came out sparkling clean. It was really amazing. The paint is bright, dark, and no scratches. The lids had nary a chip or rough spot. I'm keeping these even though I have this set. I've recently decided to collect every 501, which also means I need third 501 of the sets I am going to collect. I've also decided to start a stack of extra 503s. The 502, well, I use those all the time.
Happy hunting!
(You can see my other amazing find this week here.)
Friday, March 28, 2014
Birthday Pyrex!
Yesterday was my birthday. Of course I got Pyrex.
My mom got me the Designs and I bought myself the Gold Leaf 404.
Why not? My birthday so I can get myself something.
I love myself that much.
I had to show my mom how the designs looks like yoga butts.
Then the fetus was brought up.
What is it with the body and Pyrex?
I also got myself a new toaster. Want to read why?
Head over to Treasures My Husband Hates - year 29
Hopefully more to come. I need my Pyrex Fix more often.
Happy Hunting
Treasure Hunter
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
It's A Girl!
Yes, I went into the Goodwill with that feeling...that feeling that something was waiting for me! That's when I spotted the pink stripes!!!! Then around the corner was the baby scale. AMAZING! A blessed day. And a day when I needed a little blessing. I live in the community with the mud slides in WA state. It's been very crazy and sad. It's nice when little blessings brighten your day.
more vintage at www.gfpastorswife.blogspot.com
more vintage at www.gfpastorswife.blogspot.com
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Plenty of Pyrex Use
I haven't found much of anything lately -- not since the Pennsyvlania Jackpot last Thanksgiving. Oh, I've seen a few unloved pieces that have been through the dishwasher too often -- most of the time they're shockingly overpriced. But in my thrifting and antique adventures, I discovered that I'm actually okay with not buying any more Pyrex. (GASP!) I'm open to finding a gorgeous piece that I just have to have when I see it... but for now, I'm actually content with my plentiful collection.
Now that you've picked yourself up off the floor, allow me to explain. I really feel like I have plenty of Pyrex at the moment. Every time I open my cabinets, I smile. Every day I use multiple pieces from my collection.
So even though I haven't acquired any more Pyrex lately, I thought you'd like to see what my current collection has been up to.
Cooking and Preserving
Eating and drinking, of course
Storing Leftovers
And Misc Storage
Now that you've picked yourself up off the floor, allow me to explain. I really feel like I have plenty of Pyrex at the moment. Every time I open my cabinets, I smile. Every day I use multiple pieces from my collection.
So even though I haven't acquired any more Pyrex lately, I thought you'd like to see what my current collection has been up to.
South African milk tart recipe found here.
Raspberry Cordial recipe link found here.
Cooking and Preserving
Sauerbraten recipe found here.
Fig Chutney link found in this post.
Eating and drinking, of course
(even outside...)
Lemon meringue pie link found here.
Storing Leftovers
(I love opening the fridge to scenes like this.)
And Misc Storage
(especially in the yarn department)
Not pictured: Pyrex in the bathroom holding cotton swabs, Pyrex in the office holding mail, and the occasional pie plate that gets put under a plant after I water it (don't judge me... it is a well-loved pie plate.)
Monday, March 24, 2014
One Lonely Piece of Pyrex and A Gift
Hello all! I found only one small piece of Pyrex today. I didn't want to leave it behind, just in case the Pyrex gods might think I'm not paying attention.
I know…it's almost embarrassing after all the color we've seen over the past few posts. Kind of a downer, but then I went to the post office and found these gifts from an online friend:
A Butterfly Gold gravy bowl saucer and mug, which will fit right in with this collection:
I always feel like I should have a blog to share here, but I've had a several of them in the past and (gah!) I cannot keep up with a blog. I am on instagram (lisaloo229) and I have a flickr (lisalou229), if you'd like to see the rest of my collection and more thrifting finds.
Until next time….
Hitting the hot streak...
However in mid to late 2013 it became a lot harder to find Pyrex!!! I was in a lull, my local savers when it even had Pyrex was charging antique mall prices for pieces in worse condition that what I could get in an antique mall for that price!!! So I started shop hopping around multiple thrift shops once a week, I have a total of about 20 thrift stores on my radar and I go to at least 2 of them a week but sometimes all 20 depending on how busy I am and if I happen to be in various areas of Denver. An example is this week, I spent a half day thrifting early in the week in Aurora and went to about 5 shops, then Friday I had to pick up my son from his university for Spring break which took me to the other side of the city and in the vicinity of a whole lot of other thrift stores, so I checked out 7 that day.
I also go to antique malls now!! I emigrated to the USA from Australia last year and had never seen an antique mall until I came here, that is a revelation!! I love antiquing now, even if there is no Pyrex the malls are soooo fun to visit. But when I am antiquing I am on the hunt for cheaper pieces of Pyrex or pieces that complement a set I currently have.
So with all these efforts to find Pyrex I am finally hitting a hot streak!!! I get new pieces every week, it is great:
Antique Mall Finds
Antique mall buys March 2014 |
I love Autumn Harvest so pounced on these for about $5 each in the antique mall |
I was pleased to find the alternate Town and Country in the antique mall and it was cheaper than the one I bought at savers recently!!! |
I had never seen one of the tiny pink pieces or a pie plate! |
My divided dish collection doubled that day! |
I have the square baker in this color so was excited to get the matching rectangular one |
403 Butterprint $ 6 and 402 Butterfly Gold $3 |
![]() |
The turquoise divided dish with lid was $3.24, the white with turquoise was $6 and all the others were between $3 and $6 |
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But I am most excited about finding two pink mixing bowls (403, 402) for $11 this weekend! |
I even got a pair of Verde Cindy bowls for $11 this week, I had never seen Verde and another piece of Autumn Harvest
So I have had many a happy dishwasher load lately:
I know it is not a popular idea putting Pyrex in the dishwasher but I do! Particularly once they are scrubbed with BKF to remove price tags, sticky residue etc, I run them through on a rinse cycle. I figure it is my collection I make the rules ;) Then I oil the display pieces and they aren't likely to get used again or go in the dishwasher again.
But I do use the dishwasher for my regular use Pyrex, but that is usually limited to non set oddball pieces that I will use until I die or the piece breaks.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Another Great Week of Thrift Store Finds!
Good gosh! It was another great week of Pyrex thrift store finds. I left stores literally astounded. Every week I hope to find a few pieces I can use in my collection, but once again I far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. The space saver lid and 023 casserole cradle were a great treat too! I already have the Daisy 442 and 444, and mine aren't bad, but these are SUPER MINTY and they were a steal--I couldn't believe it. And I didn't NEED the Butterprint 443, but it's a beauty and I couldn't leave it behind! I forgot to photograph the opal 232 baking pan that I also got.
I got the Homestead 401 for my "one 401 in every pattern" collection and an opal white 023 for which I already have a lid. I found a much needed Horizon Blue 502 fridgie. It took some convincing though. I bought one along with a 503 with Xmas money a couple months ago to find out it was a primary. These colors can look so similar. Even with the Horizon Blue divided dish I also found, comparing the two still left some question. My 501 Horizon Blue fridgies are also a slightly different color.
I had to photograph and enhance the color to bring out the color differences. (It just wasn't so obvious with the naked eye). Now I am convinced! Thank goodness because I was going to look at that thing suspiciously forever! I just can't believe my luck, Horizon Blue has been hard for me to find and I managed to get two pieces at once.
I've also been Easter vintage crafting and changing up my Pyrex displays if you wanna check 'em out on my blog! vintage style diorama Easter eggs, pixie Easter eggs and my newest Pyrex displays.
(Hopelessly addicted),

I got the Homestead 401 for my "one 401 in every pattern" collection and an opal white 023 for which I already have a lid. I found a much needed Horizon Blue 502 fridgie. It took some convincing though. I bought one along with a 503 with Xmas money a couple months ago to find out it was a primary. These colors can look so similar. Even with the Horizon Blue divided dish I also found, comparing the two still left some question. My 501 Horizon Blue fridgies are also a slightly different color.

I had to photograph and enhance the color to bring out the color differences. (It just wasn't so obvious with the naked eye). Now I am convinced! Thank goodness because I was going to look at that thing suspiciously forever! I just can't believe my luck, Horizon Blue has been hard for me to find and I managed to get two pieces at once.
I've also been Easter vintage crafting and changing up my Pyrex displays if you wanna check 'em out on my blog! vintage style diorama Easter eggs, pixie Easter eggs and my newest Pyrex displays.
(Hopelessly addicted),
A Little Daisy to Brighten My Day
It's been a bit dry here lately for me, what with my ban on antique malls and eBay/etsy and my other rule to only take what I need and/or can trade. But, there have been a couple of good finds….
This is the second one I have found in the wild. I passed one by at an antique mall only to regret it, go back and get it, it was gone, so I bought one on eBay. Ouch. Now I find this one you see at an upscale thrift (read: charges more because it is clean). I was surprised to find one at a somewhat reasonable price, but I am not complaining. I am going to trade this, I don't really need two though they really are great for baking things like stuffed shells and manicotti.
Pink Daisy Open Baker
This is the second one I have found in the wild. I passed one by at an antique mall only to regret it, go back and get it, it was gone, so I bought one on eBay. Ouch. Now I find this one you see at an upscale thrift (read: charges more because it is clean). I was surprised to find one at a somewhat reasonable price, but I am not complaining. I am going to trade this, I don't really need two though they really are great for baking things like stuffed shells and manicotti.
Daisy 471, 472, 473 with Opal Printed Lids
My husband is an architect and works for himself, I manage the books. All that to say I am often out and about picking up prints, going to the bank, business things. This allows me to make many thrift stops throughout the week without feeling as though I am wasting a bunch of gas. On my last print run I stopped into a thrift I don't normally visit. Maybe I was bored, I don't know, maybe I just had some Pyrex intuition, or most likely, it's the good vibes others have been sending my way. Anyway, I was happy to find these Daisy casseroles. I already have the 474 with the clear printed lid. I had no intention of collecting the Daisy pattern but I guess the Pyrex gods have a different plan.
Happy hunting!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Birthday Thrift Crawl 2014!
Hello PC3, SusieQT here from Practice in Time!
Every year for my birthday, I take an entire Saturday and do a thrift crawl- I try to visit as many thrift stores as I can over the course of a whole day. These are the stores that are a bit farther away, that I don't usually have time to get to during the week. This year's big event actually fell on my birthday this year, March 1st! I got to 6 stores over about 40 miles in 4 hours.
Of course, I am looking for Pyrex first and foremost. The Butterprint 401 and the unmarked green 403 are duplicates for me, so they went over to the booth. I have been looking for this green for a long time, because it enabled me to complete an unmarked primary set for the booth- I have had no luck selling them separately so will try it this way. It's in great condition- amazing for being close to 70 years old!
Every year for my birthday, I take an entire Saturday and do a thrift crawl- I try to visit as many thrift stores as I can over the course of a whole day. These are the stores that are a bit farther away, that I don't usually have time to get to during the week. This year's big event actually fell on my birthday this year, March 1st! I got to 6 stores over about 40 miles in 4 hours.
Of course, I am looking for Pyrex first and foremost. The Butterprint 401 and the unmarked green 403 are duplicates for me, so they went over to the booth. I have been looking for this green for a long time, because it enabled me to complete an unmarked primary set for the booth- I have had no luck selling them separately so will try it this way. It's in great condition- amazing for being close to 70 years old!
I found the square flowers 473 at my first stop- and it was a gold mine for Pyrex! Also at that same store I found an unmarked opal 403, and a pixie. This is the second birthday thrift crawl in a row where I found pixies, and I have never found them any other time, go figure.
I also found this sad excuse for a pink stripe 401
...but it was only 99 cents so I couldn't leave it there. And I don't know about you, but I have never seen pink stripes in person, so yeah, I'll bring it home and love it. But look what I found the next week (last week, at a different store)- mommy stripe! And this one is near perfect! Who knew? Pink stripes in the wild!
I also found this Golden Wreath 043 promo last week. It's in near mint condition except for a chip at the bottom- probably happened in the donation bin, I can only assume. I have run out of room for 043s, so I am going to list it in my Etsy store. It's nice and shiny- just hard to show in photos. Check it out!
And since you all are great Pyrex friends, I am offering a discount coupon of 20% (good on anything, not just Pyrex)- enter coupon code PIT20OFF at checkout.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Pyrex Left Behind
It's been a pretty dry time since my last one and only find. By "dry" I mean items I want/need to bring home. I can usually find Pyrex while out and about but now that I have focused my collection and am not just grabbing everything I see what I bring home has become fewer and farther. When you couple this with my new commitment to not buy retail and only do estate/yard/etc. sales well, then one has to be prepared for some drought. I'm adding prices to the below so you can see the price range here in the Old Pueblo.
The EA 443 was $6, the damaged T&C 444 was $8. I don't collect either.
This is the most Pyrex I have ever seen at a thrift at one time. The unnumbered Primary was $6.99. the Spring Blossom 045 $6.99, the BG 441, $2.99, 442, $2.99, 444, $6.99.
Poor Hex Signs 045. I just couldn't love you, not at $6.99. The lid was separate and $2.99 and found on the next aisle. I put them back together so they could be reunited on the shelf.
Not pictured: the Spring Blossom 443 at $12 and 444 at $16 I saw at Savers. We have two Savers. One is really expensive, one is midrange. Also not pictured is the sad Daisy 502 I saw at an estate sale, no lid, for $8. Really. $8. Even the antique fair/flea market is raising prices; I had one vendor tell me Pyrex is super valuable so he has to charge more. Mkay.
I did find a 043 lid and 503 lid and I have passed by at least 10 470 lids, so I suppose I am back in the saddle as the Lid Whisperer. I have a huge stash of 470 lids so I left those behind for someone else. I am lucky to have a trade partner who does not like Friendship; we have done many trades for her to offload those finds and me to help feed her lid and cradle needs. I swapped the 503 lid I found last week for her minty Friendship 502 with lid. I was so happy I threw in a sleeve of Thin Mints to the outgoing box.
Happy hunting!
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