Monday, May 27, 2013

It's raining Pyrex Hallelujah...amen!

Over the last several weeks vintage Pyrex finds have been plentiful. I have found so much that I have had to do some arranging at my booth and my personal collection. I have found it at thrifts, estate sales, swap meets and yard sales. It has been everywhere! This is my pile I have collected over the last 2 weeks. Needless to say they are all lined up ready to be cleaned.

The hard part is decided what to sell and what to keep. I will confess I usually keep the harder to find items until I have a duplicate. Does anyone else do that? Here is all the pieces all lined up in my booth that I chose not to sell to a new home. Can you tell what I chose to keep from the pictures?

I kept the large butterprint bowl and another beauty that is so special it deserves a post all of its own. Stay tuned for the reveal coming soon.


1 comment:

  1. The anticipation is killing me! Everyone has been finding such good stuff lately. I'm so jealous!
