Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Anniversary! (to me)

My husband and I recently celebrated eleven years of (blessed) marriage. His gift to me: the mint-condition, adorably kitschy mugs below.

The mugs each say "Happy Anniversary!" in golden-yellow with what looks like martini glasses filled with bubbling champagne and toasts in different languages--"Na Zdrowie! L'chiam! Salute! Skal! Santee! Prost! Za Zhdarovya! Cheers!"

My question for my fellow Pyrex-ollectors: did people used to be able to get Pyrex mugs printed with their own designs? We were only able to find two other references to these anniversary mugs online--one on Pinterest, and another sale on eBay. I could totally see someone getting these made for a golden anniversary party favor or something, but I don't know if that is something that was ever done. 

~Margaret Ann


  1. I don't know the answer to that... But I seriously want these now :) cool find hubby!!

  2. I don't know either but how adorable! Creative husband!

  3. I wish I had an answer for you, but do not. I do, however, want to tell you that I am so impressed with your husband! I am also blessed with a thoughful husband and the longer we're together the more I realize what a wonderful and rare gem he is! Happy Anniversary to you both!

  4. Sorry I can't be of help either. Happy Anniversary!

  5. No answers except those are super cute. Happy Anniversary!

  6. Thanks for the lovely comments, all!

  7. Oh my gosh these are fabulous!

  8. I have one and I know of a few other collectors who have them also. Not real common, but not Lucky in Love rare either :-)
