Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Butter, Butter, Butter...Pyrex!

Hi PC3, SusieQT here from Practice in Time!

A while back I posted about how I broke down and bought a Butterprint butter dish on eBay. I mentioned then that since I did that, I would probably find a butter dish in the wild. And I did- a couple of weeks after that I found a Butterfly Gold butter dish in on my annual birthday thrift crawl.

And today I found a Spring Blossom butter dish. It's a bit dishwashered, but the price was right- only $1. At that price, I bought it and can wait for a better one someday. I plan to keep this one for daily use and put the others back in the collection.

So now I have three butter dishes and am well on my way to collecting all the Pyrex butter dishes. As far as I know there are only two more patterns left- the Old Towne (which I saw a while back and now regret not buying, but it was $9!), and Snowflake Garland. Am I missing any?


  1. According to this PC1 post (http://pyrexcollective.blogspot.com/2010/09/butter-dishes.html) there is also an Autumn Harvest and Woodland. I love them all too! And $1? Great find!

    Also, your post title reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI. Was that on purpose? Hope so :)

    1. Yep, you got it! Sometimes I wonder if I am trying to be too clever ;)

    2. That Autumn Harvest one is probably going to be hard to find in the wild. Hmmmm.....

  2. PS More digging--looks like there's a Sandalwood too? https://www.google.com/search?q=pyrex+butter+dishes&hl=en&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Wv1IUfaMIcTiyAGStoDYBQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1555&bih=989#imgrc=xYlCueSHZW4H2M%3A%3B8OPJNBMfVV5-lM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffarm6.staticflickr.com%252F5456%252F7161065142_48b29c5991_z.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.com%252Fphotos%252F8021620%2540N07%252Fgalleries%252F72157631931898202%252F%3B480%3B640

    1. You're right. That's good, now I have more to look for!

  3. Love them all! I don't have any yet.

  4. Oh I am so jealous of those GREAT butter finds! I've been collecting Pyrex for a few years now and still don't have one - but all good things come to those who wait! I'm happy for you Pyrex sis!

  5. Nope, you've named them all. I have been fortunate enough to find all of them at thrift stores or garage sales. The most I paid for one was $3 for the Butterprint! I love to rotate them out with the seasons. Good luck finding the rest!


  6. These are so pretty! Good luck finding the others!

  7. There is also a very rare Sandalwood one.

  8. I have the following:
    Butterfly gold
    Crazy Daisy
    Autumn Harvest
    Old Towne Blue
    Blue Garland
