Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hello everyone!
I’m new to blogging so bear with me, but if you do you will be treated to photos and stories of Australian Pyrex! Yes I’m from the land down under, and very happily living in an isolated outback town where I’m *pretty sure* I’m the only mad pyrex collector so the finds are ALL FOR ME lol.

I’ve gotten very lazy in recent times with photos only taken on my crappy Ipad, so need to fish out the camera for blog worthy photos, but in the mean time please share in this somewhat fuzzy snippet.

These are two of my more favourite pieces- the Agee version of a Cinderella mixing bowl, with smaller spouts and a slightly oval shape. The pattern? We don’t know a lot of our official names, it’s like pioneer days for pyrex collecting over here somewhat, but this one I call Nasturtiums as I think that’s the flower and vine pictured.

Thanks for the add! Long time reader first time contributor :) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can't wait to see what you show us! We don't get to see a whole lot of Australian Pyrex around here.

    Welcome :-)


  3. Hi!!!! Oh yes, do bring it on! Can't wait to see your finds!! I Pin Agee to my Pinterest board when I run into photos. Always waiting to run into a piece at the thrift store! Rarely run into a piece of JAJ here.

  4. Looking forward to what you've got to bring to the table. Literally.

    We don't see too much on the Collectives.

    I've only ever seen one (that I can remember) in the wild. Lots of English, though.
