Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pyrex drought

Hello everyone!

I have been trying for the last 2 weeks to bring home my usual haul of Pyrex!
For some reason there is a Pyrex drought....and I am not liking it!

Now I come home with maybe 2 finds of Pyrex when before I used to bring home 10 pieces or more!
Well, this Friday I went to my normal thrift routine and only found 1 piece of Pyrex and then found two lids which are pretty neat..

I found this Stripe Pyrex dish in Savers on Friday.
I was not loving it at first and I almost did not buy it but it intrigued me because I have never seen one like this before....does anyone know if this is a rare piece or if it was promotional? I know nothing so any info would be great!
I bought it for $3.99

I also found this lid at the same is in EXCELLENT condition
was looking for the bottom piece but nowhere to be found =(
I am not sure on this one either....where does this lid go to?

My first friendship Pyrex that I ever found! Again, no bottom just the lid.
Found this in GW.
I figured I would buy it because I might just find the bottom one day....

I found this yesterday at an estate sale a block away from me.
It is in near mint condition, the bottom part is in excellent condition just the lid has a chip in it on the inside, not noticeable.
I got it for $10. Maybe a little too much for it but I am desperate for some Pyrex!


  1. Does the stripe dish have a Pyrex logo on the bottom? I've never seen that one before, and the shape looks a bit unusual.

    1. Yes it is stamped Pyrex on the bottom...this it was it says:

      222 8 inch
      Trade Mark
      R (The R is circled)
      Made in the USA

  2. the square dish is known as "gold band". there is also a 024/utility bowl with a lid and a pie plate from the same series. i've also seen white bowls with a gold lip but i'm not sure that they are the same set as the gold band is different.


  3. :) the gold lid is for golden classic! I have it too, so pretty!

  4. Don't you love all this info? Such knowledgeable ladies. Jealous of your friendship lid!

  5. Our thrift stores and Goodwill rarely if ever have Pyrex. I have found one booth in a local antique store that carries a lot of it and some of her is reasonably priced. But most of mine has to come from regular yard sales.

    1. Oh wow, that sucks =( I HATE it when I do not see any Pyrex. That is good though that you have an antique store that has Pyrex and she is reasonable! That you don't see very often.
